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What is the color of the following: 1) Ni(HDMG)2 2) K2Zn3Fe(CN)62(s) 3)BaCrO4(s) 4) CaC2O4(s) Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) Previous question Next question Get more help from Chegg. Get 1:1 help now from expert Chemistry tutors. Apr 28, 2015 (support person) pointed me to another download site for the Mac version of Kindle. Again the download didn't work with Firefox so I downloaded Chrome and then was able to download Kindle software. Once installed, the software worked and I could download books to it.

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  1. Ni(dmg)2 2 5
  2. Ni(dmg)2 2 Hour
  3. The Reaction With Dmg Gives Ni(dmg)2 2+(aq)

Ni(dmg)2 2 5

Ni(dmg)2 2 weeks

Ni(dmg)2 2 Hour

By use of synchrotron radiation, powder X-ray diffraction of one-dimensional bis(dimethylglyoximato)nickel(II), Ni(dmg)2, has been studied at room temperature and at high pressure. The lattice constants with an orthorhombic structure for Ni(dmg)2 monotonically decrease with increasing pressure up to 7.4 GPa; the linear compressibility of each axis is estimated. The magnitude of the linear compressibility increases in the order c > b > a in the low-pressure region. However, the lattice constant along the b-axis is smaller than that along the a-axis at pressures greater than 6 GPa. A Ni–Ni distance along the c-axis abruptly decreases from 3.255 Å at ambient pressure to 2.82 Å at 7.4 GPa. A bulk modulus of Ni(dmg)2 is obtained from the volume versus pressure curve fitted by a Birch equation of state. The bulk modulus of this complex is very small, 8.0 GPa. Ni(dmg)2 is a very compressible compound. The electrical and optical properties of Ni(dmg)2 have been investigated at high pressures. The dπ–π* and 3d–4p bands shift to a lower energy region with increasing pressure. The absorption peak of the 3d–4p band is very sensitive to pressure. The resistivity of Ni(dmg)2 decreases monotonically with increasing pressure up to 23 GPa. The lowest resistivity of this complex is about 50 Ω cm at around 23 GPa. These electrical and optical properties are closely related to the rapid shrinkage of the Ni–Ni distance with increasing pressure.

The Reaction With Dmg Gives Ni(dmg)2 2+(aq)

Keywords: bis(dimethylglyoximato)nickel(II), electrical and optical properties, high pressure, synchrotron radiation, X-ray diffraction

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